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1.1 version Download

The files are packed, so you have to unpack it, for example with WinRar. After that game is ready to use. No need to install.

1.3 HD version Download

Oxapam Twitch Stream

Oxapam Youtube Stream

Experts Maps Pack

WARNING! Do not add all 600+ maps at once in the game map folder! The game wont tolerate more than about 485-490 maps in the folder, more of it will make your game crash randomly during the games.

Its better you pick just some maps of the pack and put the rest maps in an other folder for later use.


Keep your map folder clean by deleting broken maps, for example maps with suspectous small size. Broken maps also can cause game to crash. Why some map is "broken" ? Its when someone send map to you and he cancel the sending, or sending fail in other way, then the map will stay broken in your folder and can distract your game working.

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