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Stronghold Crusader clan
Since 29.7.2010.
Website admin : Oxapam
1. Respect Clanmates and your opponent in gameranger/game, dont insult them or talk racistic talks.
2. Don´t spam and cry for nonsense reasons. We dont need kiddos/retards in clan.
3. Don´t quit game without a good reason! Quitting game makes you a bad looser.
4. Don´t remove BRQ tag for more than a half day.
5. You must have a good internet connection, we do not need laggers.
6. You can have aka, but dont have akas in CLANS.
7. No wc block in enemy castle and no shc "bugs" like fast workers, double workers, pixler groupings, etc. Play fair!
8. Dont make any SS's or video of own clanmates, if you are going to bragg with them in your channel. Otherwise ok.
9. Mediums and Nobos are not allowed to use ß in their clan tag, only normal B.
10. Don't share your account with another player for important games, if the opponent will not know about it. Dont confus others!
11. Don't begg for council/leadership rank. Founder and leader will by them self pick a council or leader as they see reason for it. Begging or crying will lead you for a warning, in worst case for kick.
12. Don´t use any cheating programs or fast click mouses. (software program or fast click button on a mouse.) Wrangling about this will lead to instant kick. If your fingers work and you are not invalid, you dont use fast clickers. !
-> Who break 1 to 5 of these rules, gets warned, and after 3 warnings byebye from Clan. Breaking over 5 of the rules at once will lead to instant kick.
-> Who can´t match with these rules at all, will get kicked instantly.
If you see any member cheating, or have any other problem with them, take ss or video for proof, and show to the founder of the clan. Its much easier to solve this problems if have something to show. Let's avoid big chaos and fights.
(rules updated 12.11.2019)
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